Videos for Getting Started with your new MyD2 website
1. Fill out the form by selecting JOIN-D2 on the menu
2. Make sure to fill out all required fields
3. Input your preferred username for login
4. The name of subscriber will be visible to everyone looking at your profile. You can choose to display only your first name. There is an option to select privacy when editing your profile.
5. Choose whether your intent is to promote a business or for personal purposes
6. Input a password of your choice or allow the system to generate one for you (Please be aware that the password will need to be re-written every time you make a correction to the registration form).
7. Under Site Details, you can select to create a FREE website. If you choose not to create a FREE website at this time, your registration will be recorded as subscriber only.
8. After selecting to create a FREE website, you must give the name to be incorporated into your unique URL address.
9. Site Title is for you to include an attractive catch phrase for your viewers to keep as memorable.
10. Once you SUBMIT the form, an activation message will be sent to the designated email address for your confirmation of that address.
11. Once you have confirmed your email address, and if you had requested to create a FREE website, a second message will be sent with the details for accessing your website and on how to enter the administration section (back-end) to customize your website.
1. Once you have activated your account, you will receive a link to the skeleton of your new site (
2. To enter as ADMINISTRATOR into the backend for customizing the site, type in the URL (
3. You will be directed to the DASHBOARD where all the necessary functions are displayed. Trial-and-error is oftentimes the best way to acquaint yourself with these functions; but the instructional section that follows below is a quick over-view video to get you familiarized with WordPress programming.
Key-Terms to know:
Dashboard: essentially where all the functions are displayed to personalize your site
Customize:will display the functions for live review of your site. This function allows a visible means by which to add or change items
Theme:essentially the skeleton on which you will display your pages, posts and photos (your story). There are a number of these provided and you will need to choose the one that is most compatible with how you want your story to be displayed. Themes vary in complexity and may require trying out a few before deciding on one framework (THEME).
Page: you can consider this as the title page for chapters in your website.
Post: essentially the pages to the chapters for the story you want to relay.
Menu: directs viewers to your preferred pages or posts. By means of the menu, you can direct your viewer to the chapters of your story.
Media: is the collection of photos from where to choose for insertion into pages or posts
Gallery: is a function that is inserted into a post or page that allows you to attractively display photos detailing or enhancing your story
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